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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0292c113.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-13  |  388KB  |  680x880  |  8-bit (118 colors)
Labels: crt screen | daily | laptop | monitor | poster | reckoner | windowpane
OCR: THE ALPHABETICAL CUIDE 1992 BENCHMARHS 10 FOR vear YeAr yiek INVESTORS 500 indes 5 17.6 DOW RHSTO112000 small-company PAGELLS EQUITY Avera e Equltyfund 151 PAGEI3S TAXART Saloman tgradebond PIGE156 TAT .EXEMPT BOND Sheirsoni Tone term TP Shearson Lehman iBros municipalbona THE MONEY RANKINGS: EQUITY EUNDS Valwe f$10,000 190 Poriolk irwr stedfiv On sinte inidnlastu FUND NAME yiots ABT Growth income 29. $16,012 15.2 4.75 S114 ABT tellity rlnconse 5H 17.9 15,687 146.0 4.75 112 Acork Fund 47 14.7 146 19.775 $69.0 Nane Advantage Grewth Gro 38. 17.6 13.7 18.993 32.0 Nonea Advantagoincome 21. 12.9 15,423 Nans2 Aogor IUSA Gronth Gro 36.1 14.9 12.3 16.987 1.5 28.0 145 ATM Charte G& 37.8 18.8 22 338 AIM Conatellstion Ma 70.4 22.0 25.507 0.0 137 Sumrni Gr 63.6 16.3 9.467 ATY Weingarton Gro 46.9 20.8 ...